Welcome to my Blogsite!

 Welcome to my BlogSite! 

Thanks for visiting my BlogSite. When time permits, I try to 'share' a little of my photography and family life with a touch of commentary.

If you want to reach me, please visit my main site - www.wbfoto.com/contact.aspx - or email us directly at williamboydlee@gmail.com.

Busy is something that describes me best - wife, two + 1 kids, full-time job, semi-fulltime photographer, ton of hobbies, and plenty of travel. If I don't respond to your email right away, it's because I am clearing out my schedule to make room for you!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Limbo as in 'between' home and no studio ... I finally moved out of the studio at 12:30 a.m. on November 1st - I actually mopped it for the last time later that morning at 7. For those of you who had the privilege to visit me there are probably saying 'what took you so long.' Shortly after Katrina, commercial property rates in Midtown/Downtown Baton Rouge skyrocketed at least 40%. As a part-time operation, either I had to increase my fees, book more clients, move into a less-than-desirable location, or drive across town. I took option C for 18+ months - now don't get me wrong, the few sessions I actually photographed in the studio were awesome. But, parking, the neighborhood, maintenance, and "perception" were just too much to continue. I'm looking at two properties right now (Florida and Industriplex). Neither are close to my residence, but parking, maintenance, and perception are all positive. So hopefully in the next two weeks or so, I will be in a location and if I carve out a little time, I'll roll out a new web site.